Theory, Evolution, and Games Group. The EGG studies theoretical computer science, evolution, and game theory. Read more of this post. Tagged with classic game theory.
You can check out my CV or some of my published work with the links above. I work for Brooklyn College in the City University of New York system. I work in Academic Assessment and co-coordinate the Writing Across the Curriculum program. My academic research focuses on measurement of student learning, applied linguistics, and education policy.
Global murder rate extrapolation from population trends. The graph shows the evolution of worldwide murder rate until 2100, if the murder rate in each country were to remain the same, and population grow as in the medium variant of the UN World Population Prospectus. The current crime rates are taken from the the UN Global Study on Homicide. The code and data used to generate the plot can be found in this git repository. Relatedly, one could argue that as many countries .